"We are evolution's end, what she was after, her summation." Joseph Chilton Pearce.
After 16 billion years we become “Her” Nature's (Gaia’s) reflection of a God as an evolutionary being and principle. Perhaps Gaia's End, what she was after, her summation of life is based on Consciousness… "The Evolution of Consciousness of an Analogical being"… our end result would be a super-conscious human being which embraces the “best” of the female and male essence in perfect balance. This is the essence of all life that Gaia has to offer her children to access her "Mind [Spirit] through the utilization of an Analogical Awareness, birthing a Spiritual being in a human body at the end of time…an Omega Point towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness which is the full descent of spirit into matter, the fulfillment of our evolution… the human species forms the thrust of cosmic evolution and is the key for understanding the universe. This is the Science of Spirit and a Key to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Analogy is the key to all secrets of Nature and the sole fundamental reason… of all revelations. The "Analogy of Contraries" is the relation of light and shade, of height and hollow, of plenum [matter filled space] and void. Analogy yields all forces of Nature to the Magi… Analogy is the secret of perpetual motion, the root of the Tree of Life and the science of good and evil… Hermes Trismegistus, the "Scribe of the Gods”, contemporary with Abraham… counselled his Disciples from his “Emerald Tablets”… to seek first the Philosophical Stone in the investigation of the operations of… Nature… as all things are derived from one and indivisible Nature. An ancient concise definition is, it is not visible, though it operates visibly for it is simply a volatile spirit, fulfilling its office in bodies and animated by the universal spirit… the divine breath… the universal fire… which gives life to all things that exist. These Disciples should be like unto Nature herself… they should be truthful, simple, patient, and persevering. They should ascertain whether their designs are in harmony with Nature… they must imitate her in every detail. For Analogy is the final word of Science and the first word of Faith. Harmony has its essence in equilibrium, and equilibrium subsists by the Analogy of contraries. Absolute unity is the supreme and final reason of all things… To create equilibrium we must separate and unite… separate by the poles, unite by the center. The Goal of the Philosopher is to hold the Analogy of Contraries in his mind and contemplate them "in the moment”… in an Analogical State of Awareness to open the door and access the "Mind of Spirit" that created all life in nature. Research developed from ancient records unearthed by Eliphas Levi in 1890[p180]
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth… He who possesses an Analogical Awareness possesses Ram… the highest expression of cosmic knowingness… it is the testament of a lost civilization, the evidence of a lost level of mind… a Consciousness that belonged to a compassionate civilization: “The philosophical cipher of the Sumerian Table of destiny (tablet) became known as Ha Qabala (the QBL tradition of light and knowledge) and it was said that he who possessed Qabala also possessed Ram, the highest expression of cosmic knowingness.” Abraham’s “tablet” was revered as “the testament of a lost civilization… a testament of all that humankind had ever known, and of all that would ever be known”… symbolizing the essence of an Analogical Awareness of a lost civilization and a lost level of mind… discovered in the Sumerian table of destiny by observing nature… all life in it… and emulating it. Taken from research of Sir Lawrence Gardiner on (p88).