In Teilhard’s eyes, humanity was moving towards an “Omega Point” which is the full descent of spirit into matter; the fulfillment of our evolution… the human species constitutes the thrust of cosmic evolution and is the key for understanding the universe. Philosophy of Teilhard De Chardin…
“What man does not know would fill a bigger book than all the books ever written. He has yet to learn the simplest and most essential things: what life is, or how it came to be. Man cannot tell whether life in any form exists anywhere else in the "star-hives of the sky", nor what is the mysterious force called gravitation. The birth of the solar system is still beyond the understanding of scientists”. “With humility, Immanuel Velikovsky, begins, confessing the ignorance of science, of ‘homo ignoramus” in presenting his hotly debated theory in his book, “Worlds In Collision”, in 1950. Velikovsky is the essence of the conscious thinker, living in the now moment, questioning the world we live in, and offering different solutions after studying many fields of interest. Almost 60 years later, we are beginning to understand the genius of this man and the ramifications of his wisdom… as it starts to fracture the very underpinnings of our solid materialist paradigm and cosmology. We are beginning to wake up from our cultural amnesia about this world and open up to a new level of consciousness of our hidden past as we "peace" together veiled knowledge from research not allowed in mainstream western society because it shatters their feeble theories.
In the ‘same streams of consciousness' of Dr. Velikovsky and other great geniuses I set out my philosophy and research on an Ancient Science of Spirit: an Evolution of Consciousness and how it fits in our physical universe of gods (Religion) and men. My related theories and my wisdom gained from experience in the field of consciousness are from standing on the shoulders of unseen giants in these related fields of Spirit, Science and Cosmology. Realizing this great truth is something one feels deep inside after years of searching researching, and listening to many, philosophies, myths, and theories, having experiences, and then knowing what to look for in the world… expanding wisdom gained and aligning it with a budding truth and spiritual consciousness. This realization holds that we are spiritual beings having a human experience caught in a web of physical emotions of good and bad, pain and suffering that grounds us to this plane of demonstration.
The wisdom I have gained from my realizations has "developed in me a new understanding of an ancient philosophy of life"… Change is what the Consciousness of Spiritual Beings is all about… with the purpose of examining our place in society and the environment gaining consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom as we evolve. This new mindset is an evolution of the human species with the “first awakenings” of the subconscious mind… “The Mind of Spirit”. It is from here, this Mind of God, that we move beyond the illusions of society and gain access to the 90% unused portion of the brain as we develop and utilized an Analogical State of Awareness from the "Mind of Gaia"…for she is simply a volatile spirit, fulfilling its office in bodies, and animated by the universal spirit… the divine breath…Spirit.
Yet we ‘In Society’ believe … in this illusion that we collectively have created… is real, but do not “Know” that we are spiritual beings in ‘Material Garments’ here to make known the unknown in life. The spiritual being in the human body is submerged beneath a dominate personality that feeds on a physical existence (i.e. the first 3 seals in the body and does not have a heart). The heart is opened when the spiritual being rises above the personality and has compassion for all life and sees beyond to the hidden god in all beings. The great wakening has begun with the first rays of a new enlightenment dawning on the planet after a 5125 year ending of the Mayan Calendar.
To grasp this philosophical concept one only needs to watch the enormously popular and successful fictional movie trilogy “The Matrix” and follow closely the depth of its complex set of myths to understand the real science of spirit in the human being. The Hero of our story “Neo” is a simple person… unhappy with his lot in life realizing that there is something missing in the illusion society has provided for him in the Matrix. Neo is becoming conscious that Society in the Matrix is a material one with the focus in life on external technology to make people feel better about their miserable existence. Neo is our Hero because he can become Analogical (live in the “now” moment) and just know that he can defeat the technological Machine that is feeding on his emotional energy and keeping him focused in the Matrix. In the trilogy, Neo goes through an "Evolution of Consciousness" learning to “create his own reality from within”, defeating the Machine, and waking people up to their spiritual path and the “Real World”.
This movie is a modern day myth for our times detailing the plight of a disgruntled yuppie searching for meaning in his life beyond 'Organized Religion' and the external “God Delusion”. I believe the “Matrix trilogy” scenario is a real life myth describing modern day problems, in that we are living an illusion outside of the Real World, the realm of Mother Nature, Global Warming, and Evolution. We are living an illusion of Religious political manipulation of society by an unemotional technological control my Multi-national corporations. We should be able to develop our own point of view as soon as we are old enough to consciously make decisions to improve our lives and learn from our experiences whether it.. Includes god or not.
To understand what our modern day “Matrix is“, let us go back to our fictional movie and let MORPHEUS tell us what it is:
MORPHEUS, “What is the Matrix? - Control! The Matrix is a computer-generated Dream world built to keep us under control, in order to change a human being into a battery of energy. We are the energy source easily renewable and completely recyclable. All they needed to control this mind was something to occupy our mind. And they built a prison out of our past; wired it to our brain and turned us all into slaves.”
"The Matrix is everywhere; it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out of your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church, or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." "That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage. . . kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, or touch; A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
The modern day Matrix is not unlike the fictional one in that technology has created a computer-generated Dream world built to keep us under control. Through the use of television, movies, computers, video games, cell-phones, I-pods, the internet and all for our convenience, “to occupy our mind “… to enslave us… to and keep us from looking within by clouding our minds and putting us into enormous debt and wage slavery.
To change a human being into a battery of energy all we have to do is think of the 100 million plus people who work in Wal-Mart-like factories around the world… like robots… so that we can have cheaper prices on crappy products that we do not even need. These people are thought of in terms of units of energy cost to produce a new cheaper product each day. We privileged top 10% of the worlds population asleep in our pods, only thinking we are spiritual beings… living in a Matrix, a wonderful dream world where the universe gives us anything we want and everybody is free at last… halleluiah... we are free at last.
Waking up to a greater reality and “Seeing the real world” as an observer in life… has given me a new passion for living and everything that is alive to speak my truth seeing why “the meek have inherit the world”, because they are born into bondage, living an illusion, asleep and unconscious… but to be free at last we need to stop fooling ourselves and wake up our brothers and sisters to a new mind of an Analogical Genius of nature and Spirit.
Consciousness is the awareness of being aware of the program… the personality… that our life sucks, as we still do not know who… or what we are really… or why we are here… and why here? It is only when we ask these critical questions of our selves deep within our hearts do we get answers to our lot in life and this is only after many hours, day and weeks of contemplation. Change is the only cure, learn new things, think differently, overcome our fears, and make known the unknown in our lives. Moreover, know we are connected to all life on this planet by what we do to our selves and others. It is only when we contemplate 'what our level of consciousness is' do we learn about our lives and our consciousness increases, our awareness of our surroundings grow, we ask new questions and we change present circumstances. This is the evolution of consciousness rising up from the depths of ignorance, superstition and religious dogma to become conscious of the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience…
A new "Unified Energy Field Theory of Consciousness"… Spirit in-Mass
This is a true life story of the Real Matrix and the many people on the path who are “Becoming the One”… “Busting Loose from the Money Game”… those that are unplugging from the Matrix… by connecting to spirit and mother nature… to catch the wave as the acceleration of consciousness reaches a Quantum Singularity… an Omega Point in time. These are conscious spiritual beings having a human experience, as their awareness grows they train their mind to becoming subservient to the observer in real life (spirit in Mass).
The foundation of this research and philosophy stresses the understanding of: Analogy… Harmony… a balance… of Science and Spirit in an Analogical Awareness… Analogy is the final word of Science and the first word of Faith [Spirit]. Harmony has its essence in equilibrium, and equilibrium subsists by the Analogy of Opposites. The "Analogy of Contraries" is the relation of light and shade, of height and hollow, of plenum [matter filled space] and void. The Goal of the Philosopher is to hold the Analogy of Contraries in his mind and contemplate them "in the moment”… in an Analogical State of Genius to access the "Mind of Spirit" that created all life creating an evolution of consciousness to facilitate spirit in mass and Evolutions End.
This ideal is an ancient Analogical state of Awareness developed by nature… taught by master teachers throughout the ages… "Golden Threats of Truth" from the very fabric of life… formulating the understanding of an ancient hermetic “Science of Spirit”…handed down from Lips to Ears in Secret Societies… teaching an Evolution of Consciousness… Now resurfacing again in a modern frame of reference to allow us to become "Evolutions End"... Spirit in-Mass… at the end of time. This research is built on the wisdom gained from many experiences of several golden treads weaving the hidden truth of life and reality in society today… and like a great detective story… it pieces together dissimilar ideas through scientific research from 20 years of experiencing new and unique ideas finding the right pieces of a great and ancient puzzle putting them together upside down not seeing the picture. The key to finding the answer to these ancient truths is an open mind, aware of all the possibilities, looking at many possible solutions with the focus on the end result, finding the ones[the pieces of the puzzle] that develop a picture in ones mind at the end… giving one a knowingness in his mind… finding Spirit. These keys are not the answer but a opportunity to find ones own truth deciphering the words and reading between the lines for one’s own reason for existing in line with spirit making known the unknown in one’s life.
This “Analogical Quest” for a Holy Grail of reason and faith allowed me to formulated this thesis and provide the framework to put all these… many theories into a perspective… By combining the works of many brilliant minds into… a "Unified Energy Field Theory of Consciousness”… in Nature from research of an ancient Science of Spirit… creating the full descent of spirit into matter and the fulfillment of evolution for those that utilize this wisdom of an analogical puzzle. It is up to the researcher/ reader to put all the pieces together of this puzzle in their own minds… as each person will modify the philosophy in their own minds based on their religious/ political beliefs… distorting the essence of what is being conveyed here. This book is a puzzle because each person has to be like a great detective putting the pieces in the right order in their minds… searching for a physical connection to the Holy Grail… becoming one with Spirit… balanced in reason and faith… in this lifetime. This Analogical thesis integrates the philosophy of the Spiritual, Creational view of the Mayan Calendar and its timing of an Evolution of Consciousness with an ancient Hermetic "Science of Spirit". These two philosophies, utilize the theories, and research of noted professionals in the fields of Science, Philosophy, Religion, Archaeology, and Economics forming a new relationship with an Ancient Mayan Calendar and Science of Spirit rising again in society like a Phoenix and showing how philosophy and reality fit in an evolving society creating a new picture of life in an Analogical state of Genius… “Sentient Human Being having an experience of Spirit”…
This ideal puts a Science of Spirit… in the hands of the average open-minded person… and out of the supernatural realm of organized Religions of an externalized “God” controlling one’s fate. And is about an internalized self-directed focus to take conscious control of life to create personal destiny within the realm of quantum physics and the Gaia hypothesis of Mother Nature [= Spirit] creating an evolution of consciousness for intuitive human beings with a potential for genius… who are analogically aware in a moment of pure observation. I am reporting what I have learned putting the pieces of an Analogical puzzle together from the varied experiences… the conclusions are mine… from what I have gained from my Analogical experiences… and are not based on… or for the making of money.
In my research for a "Unified Energy Field Theory of Consciousness" I include quotes from noted professionals in their field to help clarify this ancient philosophy and show how well it fits in an illusion-less reality of Nature. The works of noted professionals such as:
- Works of Ian Lungold and Dr. Carl Calleman on the Mayan Calendar
- Terrance McKenna on the evolution of consciousness from Time Wave Zero
- Physicist Peter Russell on “The Global Brain” & “The White Hole in Time
- French priest and palaeontologist, Pierre de Chardin on the Omega Point
- Zecharia Sitchin from his book “The Lost Realms”
- David Hudson on Monoatomic elements
- David C. Korten from his book “When Corporations Rule the World”
- Noam Chomsky from his book, “Manufacturing Consent”
- The story of Hira Ratan Manek on Sungazing
- Research of Wallace Thornhill on “The Electric Universe model”
- Authors Michael Crawford and David Marsh on “Nutrition and Evolution”,
- The teaching of Ramtha at the Ancient Gnostic School of Knowledge and Wisdom… RSE.
It should also be noted that from his more than 20 years of research on the Hermetic Alchemy and the use of Monoatomic elements in ancient times, David Hudson plays a very important role in understanding the Evolution of Consciousness and the birthing of the spiritual body in human beings thousands of years ago. With the continued research of Sir Lawrence Gardener they detail the Hermetic use of Monoatomic elements from the beginning of mankind to the evolution of Christ like beings that have ascended from this planet since Antiquity, to the return of this ancient science in the late 1980’s, as revealed from ancient records in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
This framework uses the timing of the Evolution of Consciousness from the Mayan Calendar and the theories of Teilhard de Chardin, Priest and palaeontologist as a basis for the understanding that evolution [of Nature] is guided by a divine spark. This divine spark is the "essence of spirit"[ and the essence of Nature] emanating down from the void to create and evolve all life over time… to develop a human being of such mind that it creates a global consciousness of peace and a “Global Brain” for Mother Earth. Teilhard de Chardin’s theories of evolution gave me a deeper understanding of the spiritual, Creational view of the 5125 year Mayan Calendar… and the Mayan Calendar provides an excellent framework for understanding de Chardin’s theories. Chardin's writings clearly reflect “the sense of the Earth as having its own autonomous personality that will be the guiding force for the synthesis of humankind.” I have connected my Awareness with a Consciousness that animates all of life in Nature… Spirit.
This framework ties all the philosophies and theories together… these are the main points in my theory as we approach the omega point:
Life has evolved on earth in Nature for more than 16 billion years and has acceleration built into it so that life now is within an event horizon of a quantum singularity moving to am omega point in time, the anticipated date October 28, 2011, where we get to gain an infinite amount of experience in a finite point in time.
Ancient Philosophers understood that Nature is not visible, though it operates visibly for it is simply a volatile spirit, fulfilling its office in bodies and animated by the universal spirit… the divine breath… which vivifies all things that exist.
All things are derived from one and indivisible Nature. Absolute unity is the supreme and final reason of all things… To create equilibrium we must separate and unite… separate by the poles, unite by the centre. Analogy yields all forces of Nature to the Alchemist… Analogy is the secret of perpetual motion, the root of the Tree of Life and the science of good and evil…
Scientists around the world are beginning to realize that the universe is electrical in nature… so is the solar system, the sun and the earth, each responding to the other through the experience of plasma energy spanning the entire universe. All studies of the known galaxy are electrical in nature without the need for exotic matter and black holes. Even the human being is electrical in nature and all life in the universe is connected through the electromagnetic spectrum as levels of Consciousness.
There are Seven Levels of Consciousness… represented as fields of electromagnetic energy in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. These energy fields are levels and fields of consciousness, as consciousness is the ground of all beingness in the universe and the creator of all universes and all life forms [see chapter 17].
Our Consciousness and our attitudes motivate our actions and reactions to life creating the nature of our existence and evolution in the world. The human body is a microcosm of the macrocosm of the universe with the 7 seals (energy centres of our Auric field) representing the 7 levels of electromagnetic energy = is Consciousness.
Understanding an electromagnetic energy potential… As “Spiritual Beings having a human experience” we become “One… again with Gaia” by healing our minds and bodies in our relationship with Nature…” before we enter the Omega Point in time.
Human beings having a holistic awareness of nature meaning understanding… the Analogy of Contraries… using the whole brain in an Analogical State of Awareness to Become the observer in life and evolve on the other side of Omega Point to take their place in the universe, in a Galactic federation of self-evolved beings having given birth to super-conscious men and superwomen that no longer need to die.
When you develop the ability to become the observer in your life in the moment, you are able to use the wisdom gained from your observations to change your thought patterns. The observer now lives in the balance between the analogy of contraries…. in this Now moment seeing all sides for what they represent… illusions missing the whole complete picture of Gaia [Spirit]. The focus here is on the pearls of wisdom which are translated into knowingness in an Analogical Awareness of all life.
Realizing that we… as a species are the summation of the evolution of consciousness that created all life, we are Evolutions End, what she was after (Gaia-Mother Nature). We are a reflection of the mother, father principle, God… Spirit-within, not in image but in the Evolution of our Consciousness, birthing a spirit based consciousness in an animalistic body that has evolved on this planet.
Only when we embrace our destiny as “Evolutions End” does the illusion change, the wars disappear, “the Power brokers” are gone, and we enter a new Earth.
It is this understanding of who we truly are… Spiritual beings having a human experience, so that we can take this fragile human body with us into forever as spiritual beings expressing godlike knowingness, creating our own reality, accessing the mind of God in this “Now” moment.
The very essence of the evolution of the human being is predicated on the equal evolution of all women in their own power… where she is not subservient to anything or anyone but is connected once more as the "mother goddess principle of all human life"… a driving force in human evolution… connecting humanity back to nature and Gaia… to the divine spirit. This creates a balanced consciousness of male/ female energy that may be mirrored in “Spirit” and exemplified in our Mother “Gaia”. When the two come together as one, in-love-from-the-heart, the One is reunited with the “Spirit-Within Self and Gaia” Analogically tuned. From the divine spirit… as Gaia… an "Analogical State of Awareness" has within it all that humankind had ever known, and of all that would ever be known.
What I have learned and observed from the illusions of life… as to where we are… what we need to learn… and what is stopping us… from evolving to the next level as sentient beings… is summarized below. This is based on The Levels of Creation: Accelerating Cycles Creating an Evolution of Consciousness (see page 54):
We as a species are still steeped in illusion focussing only on the past in an Agricultural / “Religion Conscious Mindset” that began over 102,000 years ago.
Our Global Society with 6.5 billion people asleep in their pods… never before in the history of our world have we been so disconnected from “Gaia” our Mother.
This mindset is holding us back; we are still living the same Cultural Day that began 7900 years ago. Our Evolution has stopped - no conscious awareness of our environment globally and our true nature.
We as a species are still dealing with attitudes and emotions that we should have dealt with 7900 years ago. Our Evolution has stopped - no conscious awareness.
As a Global Consciousness we still have not resolved our religious differences and feel that it is a “God Given Right” to Kill other human beings … for our own limited Religious beliefs, “Conjecture of god” that began over 100,000 years ago.
We have only enough time in our present day of “Now moments”, to evolve through, in consciousness, the “Galactic Cycle” of only 360 days long and not 7900 years long. Evolution of “Gaia” and all other life has not stopped.
We have 360 days to work through each cycle, which previously took us 7900 years to evolve out of and gain wisdom from, and we are not there yet…Because Evolution of “Gaia” and all other life has not stopped.
As of February 10, 2011, we will only have 20 days to evolve through our stuff before we reach a new cycle accelerating to the Omega Point in time where time stands still and we get to experience an infinite amount of novelty in a finite period.
The “Powers that Be’ understanding the true meaning of the Mayan calendar and have moved through the National Cycle that we are in. They have also moved through the Planetary Cycles, are in the second last Galactic, 360-day long cycle, and are deliberately moulding our consciousness through television and the media to suit their corporate truth.
They understand very well the timing of the evolution of consciousness and how a Nature tuned and evolved Consciousness Creates the nature of physical existence and evolution and has removed all references to it from history, Science, Religion and philosophy to sell us their versions, Religious dogma and fiction about life.
With our illusions of fabulous wealth, the “Powers that Be’ are betting on “the ignorant masses” not getting through these emotional attitudes in time to evolve to the universal Cycle of 20 days and the Omega Point in time because they are manipulating our emotional attitudes [new age/religious/political] to sell us fear and terrorism.
For over 30 years I have read and listened to many New Age/Religious teachings of Spirit manifesting in society… which only ended up to support society’s dream of money and power. In other words, they became superficial and took the significance out of the mystical experience by creating nice Spiritual… new age slogans and clichés… turning potential wisdom into great marketing experiences that are profitable… but devoid of any real higher (Christ-like) Consciousness because now, the focus is on money not spiritual evolution. The focus and bottom line ended with more power in the hands of the "God of Money"… with good looks and a smile… creative funny Lies that you can enjoy… not greater wisdom or greater consciousness of Spirit. We do not need better ways of marketing Spirit as the latest Corporate Agenda… to appear to have a heart and soul… but only to be more "Spiritual in the Image"… not in action as the “Powers that Be” control the world. This is the true Armageddon, where the personality controls spiritual ideals for it own end and pleasure… causing a battle between Christ Consciousness of spirit… against Anti-Christ Propaganda.
Instead of weaving fulfilling, joyful lies and global manipulations … What the world needs is a conscious balanced, practical approach to life – A little Truth… well Not just any truth… but as we grow accustom to hearing the truth… listening to… Golden Threats of Truth from the very fabric of life. Understanding the fragments of an ancient hermetic “Science of Spirit”…handed down through the ages from Lips to Ears… known only in the past to the "Elite of the World in Secret Societies"… I do not believe the truth should be prostituted in business for money… milked… or pasteurized through the lack of awareness in a limited new age consciousness, then fed to people that can only digest 1% or Fat Free Truth for their Consumer Minds and their “Spiritual Corporate Agenda” for more money. When people devote their conscious energy to focus on Spirit-within, what you ask for is no longer in the same realm of reality… as those ‘things’ that a person focusing on money would want. When you develop the ability to manifest what you really want in life and not what society tells you, you are worthy to receive, you realize that no amount of money could have brought the circumstances together to provide you… with the happiness, joy, love, children and or peace of mind… you deserve. When you focus within and know that you are worthy and ask from your heart to manifest… anything is possible… and you are no longer bound and shackled to society’s’ rules and regulations.
This book may be bad for Spiritual business [$$$] as it changes how people will think about or understand Spirit, when they understand these very old ancient principles. However, money changes the way one thinks in protectionist ways… fearing they may lose something if thoughts are not controlled along certain lines of business [Religious, corporate, political] through the media… the written word, Television and now the internet… for a profit and control of the masses holding them in the past… limiting chaos… as free thinking unlimited spiritual beings are bad for business. A focus on money and power is a lower limited frequency of thought… limiting the ability of people in society to evolve to their highest potential. It seems that this is our greatest weakness not letting go of our Tribal… Cultural or National Past… a consciousness that was started 2 million years ago and ended 300 years ago as man evolved beyond this point…. However, this is where we put all our focus and our energy on recreating old failed realities. [Seen here, we still focus on ideas of agriculture, religion, power and control on pg.57-68] Redefining who and what we are will open our minds to higher levels of consciousness creating new never dreamed of thoughts and ideas. However the last thing business wants is a 1000 free thinking unlimited spiritual beings with Genius mind… redefining the face of the planet, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did to the computer and telecommunications industry in the early 1980’s. However these young geniuses now limit their focus to the electronics industry, focusing on money and power 20 years later. Each free thinking analogical genius could spawn a legion of self-educating self-replicating free thinking geniuses…focussing on new ideas of alchemical transformation and conscious co-creation with spirit in the universal cycle of consciousness, this is our destiny with Gaia…to resolve climate change and global warming… it is all up to us to create this reality… before the “Business of War” destroys all life on this planet.
Without conscious evolution… we will be left behind in the dust with the other 99% of all life that used to live on this small planet … another failed evolutionary experiment… just like our Neanderthal brothers, as the acceleration of consciousness peeks at the Omega Point in time. If we do not make a change in our lives and take this quantum leap in consciousness… our demise will be our own doing and we have no one to blame but our unwillingness to change. Through this philosophy of the "Mayan Calendar’s Divine Plan" and an evolution of consciousness, we will be able to see that the growing “Global Climate Change” and the “Prophesies of the End Times” are nothing more than cyclic natural calamities brought on by ignorant societies that destroy themselves every time their society drops below a certain level of unconsciousness collapsing in on itself. Because they are unaware of their connectedness and responsibility to each other and their external environments [Nature – Gaia]… their evolution of consciousness… they have not evolved to higher levels of consciousness as part of the divine plan of the cosmos. Evolution was always about great change, living in the moment, experiencing Chaos, rising to a new level of consciousness and then experiencing moments of order at a new level to advance a new society based on one of infinite possibilities that were presented at the time of greatest chaos and system breakdown to advance the system of conscious evolution to an Omega Point in Time.
[See chapter 9 on chaos theory for a deeper understanding… Chaos Theory: Open systems that maintain… and even increase… their complexity by exporting entropy to their environment… the moment when the chaos reaches the point where the system can no longer sustain itself… At this point, an infinite number of possibilities (literally) present themselves… One of these infinite numbers of options is total breakdown, the death of the system. However, other possibilities infinite in number all involve the system reorganizing itself in a new way… at a higher level of functioning…]
